351 results found.
Communicating Between Cultures
Some "cultural givens" are so deeply imbedded as to be invisible to those who hold them. These assumptions lead to communication breakdowns that cause...
Format: Video

ID: LS-1277-04
Child's Play
How Having Fun Turns Kids Into Adults
Children play their way into adulthood. Learn why play is so important and how it literally "turns kids into adults."
Play is the engine that drives...
Format: Video

ID: LS-1279-04
Child in the Family, The
Meeting the Needs of Children
A child has a place in the family, but that role has changed over time. Through a series of interviews and video profiles, this program presents the many...
Format: Video

ID: MG-1014-04
Beauty And The Feast
Eating With Your Eyes
Why is there is so much beauty in food? How does appearance influence taste? Explore beauty and taste, the psychology of eating, color as a guide to...
Format: Video

ID: LS-1274-04
Authentic Assessment
(5 DVDs)
The 5-DVD Authentic Assessment Series explores the value of authentic assessment in documenting young children's progress, observational methods used to...
Format: Video
ID: MG-9009-04
Your Toddler
A Parent's Guide
One-year olds sleep a lot. In their "spare time" they figure out how to use over six hundred muscles and embrace the scary task of becoming an...
Format: Video

ID: LS-1177-03
What Should We Eat?
The Vegetarian Debate
This program challenges all eaters to make decisions about food. Should people eat lots of meat? Just a little? None at all?
Are vegetarians on to...
Format: Video

ID: LS-1270-03
Victimization and Growth
Connecting Boundaries
Our panel and our experts explore why becoming a true human services professional depends so heavily on understanding the people we encounter.
Format: Video

ID: MG-1522-03
Sound Manipulation
Phonemic Awareness
Viewers of this valuable program learn to lead auditory drills that make a big difference in reading readiness. These drills help children from early...
Format: Video

ID: MG-1135-03
Sound Awareness
Phonemic Awareness
Phonological awareness deals with larger sound units —from the initial “b” in “bat” to its ending “at.” It helps children acquire concrete...
Format: Video

ID: MG-1133-03
Social Work
Social Issues
This introduction to social work examines three disciplines (addictions, human growth and development and justice studies) from a social work perspective.
Format: Video

ID: MG-1521-03
Safety First Babysitting
Babysitting is really short-term childcare and parents today are increasingly concerned for the safety of their children. Today's babysitters have to...
Format: Video

ID: LS-1266-03
Promoting Language And Literacy
Infant and Toddler Care
In language, meaning is made through the important relationships of the young child.
Observe the caregivers in our video as they:
follow infants...
Format: Video

ID: MG-1137-03
Phonemics and Phonics
Phonemic Awareness
This program shows many ways to help students put letter-sound association into memory. Viewers learn to lead tactile exercises that help the child...
Format: Video

ID: MG-1134-03
Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic Awareness
Phonemic awareness is the knowledge of the small units of sounds in our language which are connected to the alphabet. According to the National Research...
Format: Video

ID: MG-1132-03
Learning Before School
How Parents Can Help
How can parents give a child the best chance to succeed in school? The video shows how to give kids a head start in three key areas: communication,...
Format: Video

ID: LS-1265-03
Joined-Up Families
: a Leeds Animation Workshop production
If a family goes through big changes while the children are growing up, it can take years for everything to settle down again afterwards. Family life is...
Format: Video

ID: LW-7109-03
Is Baby Ok?
Assessing Your Baby's Development
How can we tell if our child is developing normally in its first two years?
Learn some of the basic developmental milestones in physical growth,...
Format: Video

ID: LS-1272-03
Investing in Caring Relationships
Infant and Toddler Care
When the infant or toddler is in child care away from parents, this child needs a caregiver who provides...
Format: Video

ID: MG-1136-03
Inventing The Home
150 Years of Household Change
Travel back with us to the days when houses had no bathrooms and clothes closets were unknown. Learn how new technology combined with human dreams shaped...
Format: Video

ID: LS-1268-03
How Clothing Is Sold
Fashion Merchandising
The video recognizes that the best way to sell clothing is to move beyond fashion into branding and licensing, and we explore modern merchandising...
Format: Video

ID: LS-1264-03
Global Eating
Learning From Other Cultures
What can we learn from other cultures about food and nutrition? Some countries share our love for food yet manage to avoid our epidemic of obesity. How do...
Format: Video

ID: LS-1269-03
Food Processing
What happens to food between the farm and the fork? Take your students behind the normally closed doors to show what happens to the food they eat.
Format: Video

ID: LS-1267-03
Eater Beware!
From Chemical Stews to Organic Gardens
We are increasingly concerned about the safety of our food supply. Thousands seek organic foods they see are “safer” and free of potentially dangerous...
Format: Video

ID: LS-1271-03
Early Child Care & Education
Meeting the Needs of Children
There are more choices for early child care and education these days than ever before. But an increase in number doesn’t always imply an increase in...
Format: Video

ID: MG-1013-03
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