This program challenges all eaters to make decisions about food. Should people eat lots of meat? Just a little? None at all?
Are vegetarians on to something or just a fringe group afraid to eat a creature that looks cute? Is meat a key part of a healthy diet or does it contribute to cancer and heart disease?
It’s easy to find extreme views on this subject, but what are the real issues? Will the future find a world in which we no longer need to "use" animals to survive, or will meat eaters rule the planet?
This video suggests people need a reason TO eat meat just as vegetarians need a reason to avoid it.
- The word "vegetarian" does NOT mean someone who eats vegetables. Find out what it does mean.
- Decide where you belong on the continuum that ranges from vegan at one end to meat 3 times a day at the other. And just what is a vegan?
- Learn the most common reasons for avoiding meat as well as some good reasons to include it in your diet.
- Learn if the vegetarian diet is healthful and explore what vegans eat instead of meat.