Five young people tell of their experiences of domestic violence. Emma and her mother escape from a violent father by moving to a refuge. Jamie sees the effect on his mother of his father’s violence. For Sidra, the violence from her father is psychological and controlling. Sophie, her sister and mother are all targets of her step-father’s aggression. Daniel supports his friend, whose mother is being hit by her boyfriend. They explain how living with violence affects them, their families and friends.
The film from Leeds Animation Workshop shows young people responding positively to their situation. Each takes some action: telling friends or a trusted adult, contacting voluntary or statutory agencies. They all assert their right to live in a safe environment, free from violence. Home Truths tackles some of the myths about domestic violence: that it’s the woman’s or child’s fault; that the men involved can’t help it; that it only arises in families from specific cultural backgrounds. Suitable for a wide audience.