This Leeds Animation Workshop video looks at the problems faced by prisoners and their partners. Every relationship has problems and a spell in prison is bound to add a few more. Being apart is painful and if you have children it can be even harder to cope. In prison, communicating with each other isn’t easy and while a prison visit may be the best way to keep in touch it’s no dream date.
Coming home again doesn’t usually happen the way you expected, either. At some stage, a lot of prisoners and their partners feel they’re at a breaking point. Most couples do survive the experience and often end up closer than before; and the couples who do split up can learn to get on with each other, in order to share bringing up their children.
In a humorous and positive way, this video points out some relationship skills that might help. An ex-prisoner who is happy at home is more likely to stay out of trouble. It’s designed for prisoners and their partners.