Learn that even those organic apples or free range chicken breasts from the local health food grocery are products of extensive genetic manipulation. Learn that almost every food we eat today is shaped by centuries of "tampering with nature" that changed often inedible and even poisonous plants into tasty and nutritious foods.
Scientists see crops as building blocks for energy, chemicals, plastics, and even construction materials. The biotech revolution could change our society from one that runs on hydrocarbons to one based on carbohydrates. Explore the potential benefits and risks of bioengineered foods.
- How the domesticated food we eat differs from its wild ancestors.
- Why moms today could say, "Johnny, eat those generic mutations on your plate, or no dessert.
- Did you know we share about 50% of our genes with bananas? So are we all half bananas?
- Could of economy change from one built on carbs? Could we fuel cars with crops.
- What is genetic engineering and how does it shape what you ate yesterday?
- Could scientists "engineer" a reduced-fat French fry? A peanut that does not cause life-threating allergic reactions? Cotton that grows in colors?